Dastan Toll Plaza
Location : Maharashtra MSRDC
Project Details
Collection of toll at Dastan toll plaza at Km. 9.100 for widening / improvement in Km 6.400 to 14.500 of SH-54 (new NH-348) and Km 0.000 to 6.202 of Amra Marg including construction of new six lane bridge on Panvel creek in the State of Maharashtra.
Type of Service:
Toll Collection
Contract Period:
i) 22.12.11 to 22.12.12 & & thereon extension up to 22.02.13
ii) 22.02.13 to 21.02.14 & thereon extension up to 15.05.14
iii) 16.05.14 to 15.08.14 (the project was handed over to the new contractor on 29.06.14)
iv) 01.12.15 to 01.12.16